Sample Passport permissions letter
Sally Millar, CALL Centre
We think it would be good for your child to have a Personal Communication Passport made. This is a little booklet that provides information about him / her and how he/she communicates. It is to help other people get to know ………………….. and to understand better how to help him/her. It can be used in school and outside, e.g. if he /she meets new people or go to a hospital appointment etc.
Please can you let me know if anyone has ever made something like this before, and let me see it, if so?
We are hoping that you and other family members will be closely involved in making the Passport and so we plan to have a meeting to see examples of Passports, and to discuss what information and picture should go into it. The date and time we were thinking of was …………………………….. but we can rearrange for another time if that does not suit, please let me know.
Once it is made, a copy of the Passport will come home every day with ……….………, or you can ask for an extra copy especially for home use.
So that ……………..…… recognises the Passport and enjoys taking part in creating it and using it, and to make the Passport look attractive so everyone will be keen to look at it, we really need to include photos of special people, and familiar places and activities.
Please will you send back the attached form to say whether or not you are happy about the Passport and use of photos, and whether you can come to the meeting?
Yours sincerely,
[Your name here]
Passport permission
I hereby give permission for …………………………….…….
1. to get a Personal Communication Passport made

2. the Passport to include photos of friends and family

2. and for the Passport, including these photos etc., to be shown to people he/she comes in contact with

I give permissionfor -
3. pages or extracts from the Passport, including these photos etc., to be used in various other ways (e.g. stuck on classroom wall),

4. the Passport, or extracts from it, including these photos etc. to be shown to other staff, parents, or others, for training purpose

I can come to the meeting on………………….………to discuss the Passport.

If no, Please phone me to rearrange another meeting date.
Signed: Date:
(parent or guardian)
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